whether you're looking for a church to call home or just checking things out, we hope that you feel welcome. 


What should I wear?

We support a casual and comfortable atmosphere, even on Sunday mornings. You'll see shorts, jeans, and even formal attire, so wear what's comfortable for you.

What can I expect when I arrive?

Our friendly volunteers and staff are eager to help you find your way around as soon as you arrive on our campus. 

What are services like?

Services are meant to be relevant to your life and include modern music, media and messages.

What if I forgot my coffee at home?

Oh no! Relax! Kaio, our Coffee House, across from the main church campus, sports a casual feeling and offers free WiFi, snacks, and a coffee bar for those who need their morning fix. Yes, you can actually worship God and sip an espresso at the same time. Open Sundays from 9:30a.m. - 12:30p.m.

Will I fit in?

Absolutely! The River Church is quite a melting pot with many nations represented in our church family. Diversity is celebrated at The River! We love when all ages and cultures can come together and worship God.


No church is perfect, but we strive for a loving and safe gathering. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to better serve you!


If you're ready to learn more, check out our NewComers Lunch!