Our goal at The River is to be a place where anyone can experience a life changing relationship with Jesus. We believe that God is alive and active in the lives of people and He desires that everyone would know Him and so do we!

The mission of The River Church is to help people find and follow Jesus Christ. Spending our lives for God and His purposes is THE most rewarding thing a human being can do. It gets even better...Living a life for God is amazing, but living a life in relationship with the God who created the universe is the most fulfilling and exciting part.




The River is full of real and imperfect people. As a community we are constantly growing to become the maximum expression of who we are to be on this earth. This is what God is calling us as a church to do: help people become the maximum expression of who God created them to be...in other words, helping each other find and follow Jesus.


Core Values for Prioritizing Ministry


We value worship and prayer. We are committed to establishing God's presence on earth as it is in heaven.

We value diversity. In being missional, we desire a church that is multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-generational.  

We value missions, both locally and globally. Our strategy, is to give of our resources and send people out to plant churches and train their people.

We value growth. We show this by establishing a culture of discipleship and relationships.

We value relevant and practical Bible teaching. The Bible is our source of faith and a standard for our conduct.

We value financial integrity and generosity. God entrusts resources to us for the purpose of reinvesting them in our community.

We value serving and leadership. We are committed to developing each one's gifting and abilities.


We desire that through these clearly defined core values and statements, God will enable us as a local church to see the believers commit to the following shared goals. Each one would...


Protect the unity of the church family.

Share in the responsibilities of the church family.

Serve in the ministries of the church family.

Uphold the reputation of our church family.


We belong to…


The Assemblies of God which was birthed in 1914 primarily as a missionary sending organization. This is our heritage and it's still the core of our DNA.

If you’d like to know more about what we believe, click here to read all about the Assemblies of God statement of faith and our 16 Fundamental Truths!


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