2025 River Church Camp

June 6th-8th

Assembly Park Bible Camp, Lake Nebagamon, WI

River Church Camp is an opportunity where we can enjoy time together as a Spiritual Family. Once a year we get to go to Assembly Park Bible Camp, enjoy God's creation, have food, fellowship and fun! You don't want to miss this fantastic weekend! 


What you will find at Assembly Park Camp:

  • Cabins to accommodate 200 guests. Most of the cabins are bunk style, with a 10-bed capacity.

  • 20 camp or RV sites, 10 with water and electrical hook up.

  • Chapel equipped with heat, air conditioning, sound system and projectors.

  • Dining hall at the edge of the lake with a complete kitchen.

  • Canoes, paddle boats, and kayaks.

  • 2 basketball courts, 2 sand volleyball courts, recreation field, and equipment.


Location - approx 30 min outside Duluth

Assembly Park Bible Camp      

10682 East Minnesuing Acres Drive

Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849


Registration starts March 23rd on the Church Center app, on the form located at the back of the sanctuary or by following the link below!

after you register you will receive a confirmation email.